University of Gent


Valère Meus is the director of the Talencentrum.

       He has studied Germanic Philology, his major was English. He has also studied information technology and programming. He is an expert in the integration of ICT and e-learning in (language) teaching / learning.
      He co-ordinates all the activities undertaken by the Talencentrum such as the development and teaching of paper based, hybrid and Internet based language courses, ICT courses and language tests, translations and corrections, the development of the learning environment I4LL with authoring tool, hyper references and other tools.
He manages the Talencentrum and is responsible for the mission, philosophy, strategy and objectives of the centre with regard to didactics and technology. He is the motor of the innovative activities of the Talencentrum.
      He teaches English, ICT and CALL. He is the co-ordinator of the European Thematic Network project in the area of languages, the European projects Welcome and ELLE (both on Internet based environments and Internet based courses) and several other regional projects.